The Environment Department of Tenerife Sur has Noise Measurement Terminals (NMT) strategically located around the perimeter of the airport to detect, measure and associate the noise produced by aircraft as they fly over the microphones installed in strategic zones in the surrounding area.
The locations of the measurement terminals were selected in order to correctly measure environmental noise levels in the airport's area of influence. There are 4 fixed terminals and 1 mobile one, which are used for the daily environmental monitoring of aircraft noise pollution..
Location of NMTs:
The noise reports provide information on the monthly assessment of noise measurements taken at the Noise Monitoring Stations (NMS) installed by AENA in the area surrounding Tenerife Sur Airport. In addition, they contain an analysis of the various factors that also affect the increase or decrease in noise produced by aeronautical activity.
* Due to the exceptional situation caused by COVID-19, reports have not been prepared with the usual periodicity during 2020.
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